Children and Young People’s Service
Notice of a public meeting of |
North Yorkshire Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) |
Date: |
Tuesday, 13th December, 2022 |
Time: |
4.00 pm |
Venue: |
Meeting Room 3, County Hall, Northallerton |
1. |
Welcome and Announcements
2. |
Chair and Vice-Chair of SACRE |
To report that Councillor Annabel Wilkinson has indicated that she will step down as Chair, following today’s meeting. The Vice-Chair, Councillor Alyson Baker, will become Chair, with Sarah Beveridge becoming Vice-Chair.
3. |
Minutes of the Meeting held on 20th September 2022 and any matters arising
(Pages 5 - 12) |
4. |
Apologies for Absence
5. |
Declarations of Interest
6. |
Exclusion of the public from the meeting during consideration of the Item of business listed in Column 1 of the following table on the grounds that it would involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the paragraph number specified in Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 as amended by the Local Government (Access to information) (Variation) Order 2006:- |
7. |
Member presentation - Mohinder Singh Chana
8. |
Annual Report 2021/2022 - Adrian Clarke, Principal Education Adviser (Support)
(Pages 13 - 28) |
9. |
Agreed Syllabus Review: Options Paper - Olivia Seymour, Professional Religious Education Adviser (Pages 29 - 36) 3
10. |
Agreed Syllabus Review: Timeline - Olivia Seymour, Professional Religious Education Adviser
(Pages 37 - 40) |
11. |
Agreed Syllabus Review: Teacher Consultation - Olivia Seymour, Professional Religious Education Adviser
(Pages 41 - 44) |
12. |
School Workforce Date - Olivia Seymour, Professional Religious Education Adviser
(Pages 45 - 48) |
13. |
Update by the Professional Religious Adviser - Olivia Seymour
(Pages 49 - 58) |
14. |
Update by the Local Authority - Adrian Clarke, Principal Education Adviser (Support)
(Pages 59 - 60) |
15. |
Development Plan 2022/2024 - Adrian Clarke, Principal Education Adviser (Support)
(Pages 61 - 66) |
16. |
Work Programme - Patrick Duffy, Clerk to SACRE
(Pages 67 - 70) |
17. |
Date of Next Meeting - Tuesday 28th March 2023
18. |
Any other business which the Chair consider to be urgent
Contact Details: |
Barry Khan
Assistant Chief Executive
Group A: Faith Groups |
Professor John Adams |
Humanist |
Brian Berry |
Jewish |
Sarah Beveridge |
Society of Friends |
Tom Clayton |
Methodist |
Chris Devanny |
Catholic |
David Haddock |
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints |
Nasr Moussa Emam |
Muslim |
Mohinder Singh Chana |
Sikhism |
Vacancy |
Baptist |
Vacancy |
Hindu |
Vacancy |
Salvationists |
Vacancy |
Buddhist |
Group B: Church of England |
Reverend Simone Bennett |
Philippa Smith |
Gill Simpson |
Vacancy |
Group C: Teaching Associations |
Tara Askew |
Jo Colledge |
Sarah Hodgson |
Vacancy |
Vacancy |
Group D: Local Authority: |
County Councillor Alyson Baker |
County Councillor Robert Heseltine |
County Councillor George Jabbour |
County Councillor Annabel Wilkinson |
Co-opted Member: Academic Expertise in Religious Education |
Vacancy |